Advertising a job, made easy.

Post a job.
Hire a graduate.
Grow a special team.

Intro job ad
Post a job posting on our site with 1 single job credit.
Most popular
Enhanced bundle
Post multiple jobs with 5 job credits for the price of 3.
Premium bundle
For regular job posting requirements, save more money with a bigger package
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Intro job ad
Enhanced bundle
Premium bundle
Number of job posts
Access to 500,000+ candidates
Non expiring job credits (unlike most job boards)
Targeted email marketing
Free share to our 100k social followers (1 job post share for every job credit)
Your branding on every job post
Every job optimised by our in house SEO team
Job advert live for 30 days
Applications sent to your inbox or managed in platform
Multi job board posting, your job auto-shared across the web e.g. post on Google Jobs
Free company page showcasing your company & jobs (with 1x backlink to your website)
Basic job performance insights
Salary benchmarking, diversity and hiring statistics
Excellent customer service support
Priority technical support
Unlimited seats for your team
Onboarding and regular check-ins
Additional features & support

81% of graduates use job boards to find roles.

Advertise vacancies here

This is the best place to post jobs online.

SEO optimised


We proofread every job and implement SEO tactics to ensure your job gets seen!

200,000 monthly web users

Our growing website traffic means that your jobs are seen by thousands.

1st class candidates


Specialising in graduate recruitment, 84% of our database have 1st or 2.1 degrees.

We get more eyes on our jobs.

It’s not just our web traffic we’re outperforming in – our data collection shows that we’re significantly cheaper (half the price) than the majority of other grad job boards!

webiste traffic graph.1

*Monthly organic website traffic (users), Ubersuggest 2022

How to advertise a job opening


We make it easy to post, easy to hire, and easy to grow.


Create an account, post a job online in minutes, and start the journey of growing your team. Track, edit, and evaluate your job posts with ease.

Online job posting is a great way to boost employer branding. Being specific with company details will make it easier for the right candidate to find your role.


Post a job vacancy with a clear description to entice your ideal hire. Specify job requirements, benefits and salary ranges for your role to be easily searchable on our site.

Receive email updates when new candidates apply to your job advert, or log into your dashboard for a full list of candidate applications where you can download CVs, shortlist, and reject.


Share your job smartly.

Push your employer brand out to a bigger audience.

Subscriber share

With our subscriber share package, we’ll send your jobs out as web push notifications to our web subscribers.

  • Reach 85,000+ more candidates
  • Target active candidates
  • Expand your brand reach
  • Packages from £250 +VAT

Social share

Share your job listings with our ever-growing social media audience. We can put your employer brand right in front of job-seekers.

  • Reach our 65,000+ social following
  • Brand exposure across social media
  • Diversify your audience
  • Packages from £250 +VAT
Our data helps provide insight into the audience we have.
male female stat

Thinking about hiring?

If you want recruitment support rather than just posting a job vacancy, we’re still your best choice – our recruitment statistics prove it.

As the UK’s top graduate recruitment company, we promise industry-leading services. Get in touch, and let’s build your team together.

Questions about advertising a job

  • An online job post is a job advertisement that is published on the internet via an external job board, a company’s website and/or social media.

    The purpose of online job advertisements is to persuade the right candidates to apply for the job role. Online job advertising has become a popular method for employers to reach a larger and more diverse pool of candidates, save costs and improve efficiency in terms of hiring times.

    Web posting jobs is also a key opportunity for employer branding, presenting the chance for business’ to promote their values and identity to potential employees.

    When you are looking to advertise a vacancy, its important to seek out job advertising sites that will cater to your specific hiring goals. For instance, if you are advertising graduate schemes, it’s important that you know where to post a job ad that will find graduates.

    Give a Grad a Go is the best place to advertise jobs targeted at graduates, and it’s really simple to sign up for our job posting services.


  • Whilst there are many different ways to market a job vacancy, posting jobs on a job platform is the best way to access a large number of candidates. Consider using a specialist job advertising agency if your role is niche or if you’re trying to reach a certain audience.

    Give a Grad a Go is a specialist graduate recruitment firm and job advertising agency that focuses on connecting graduates with job opportunities. Here are some reasons why using our platform is the best way to get more eyes on your job:


    • Targeted Audience: Our job posting platform is specifically tailored to graduates, so employers can be confident that they are reaching a targeted audience of job seekers who are interested in starting their careers. Online job ads on our site can be further targeted to specific audiences, such as people with certain skills or in specific locations, making it easier to attract qualified candidates.
    • Quick and easy: Through our job portal, online job ads can be created and posted quickly and easily, allowing employers to fill vacancies more efficiently.
    • Cost-effective: The platform offers cost-effective options for job postings, with pricing plans that suit different needs and budgets.


    In short, using our job posting platform is the best way to post a job if you’re trying to attract graduates to your roles. We’re better than other job advertising websites not only because our platform makes it super easy to manage candidate applications within the employer job portal, but also because of our exceptional candidate database.

    So, if you’ve been looking the best place to post jobs, look no further. Start posting jobs online today.

  • Do you have an exciting vacancy to fill, but you’re not sure how to post a job online? Don’t stress! Our specially designed job portal makes it simple to advertise your job and have your vacancy seen by over 200,000 online users.

    All you have to do is create an account inside our employer portal – this is how you’ll be able to track, edit and evaluate any jobs that you post onto our website.

    Before you can proceed with posting a job on our site, you’ll have to buy a job credit from us. Purchasing a single job credit costs £250 + VAT as part of our ‘intro bundle’ – if you’re looking to multi-post jobs online, we’ve got bundles and prices to match your larger hiring goals.

    Your purchased job credits will appear in your employer portal, via which you can easily follow our job posting steps to get your job ad live on our site. Once you post a job for approval, our internal team will ensure that your job ad is optimised for online search engines before it goes live to ensure maximum exposure.

    We post a job to google as part of our multi-job board posting promise with our bundles – in this way, posting a job through our website is a great way to post jobs on various online channels in one centralised place.

    Posting a job online couldn’t be easier – you don’t have to be a pro-job poster to get to grips with how to post a job on our site. So, what are you waiting for – post a job now!

  • Wondering how long to advertise a position? We believe you should advertise your role until you find a shortlist of exceptional candidates to work from. Once you’ve found a range of prospective hires to consider, it’s best not to overwhelm the process by accepting more applications.

    If you post a job position with Give a Grad a Go, your vacancy will be live for 30 days. You can expire the ad before this time, and, after the 30 days are up, you can go about re-advertising a job by buying another job credit.

    If you’re still struggling to find the right candidates for your jobs after 30 days, consider the following:


    • Is your job title too niche? – Often job ads struggle to reach an audience because no one is searching for the specified job title. Our team are on hand to advise you on how best to optimise your job with keywords that reach the right candidates.
    • Are you posting on the right platforms? – Sometimes the issue with a struggling job ad is that it’s not been posted to the right platform. The advantage of using Give a Grad a Go for your online job posting is that our graduate database guarantees your grad roles are being seen by the target audience.
    • Is my job description attractive? – It’s very important to ensure that you display the salary and include a comprehensive list of benefits on your job description. Ads that perform badly tend to provide job seekers with a limited insight into why they should want to work there.


    If you’ve posted a job on an alternative website without any luck, buy a job credit and post a job to our website for thousands of top grads to see!

  • When hiring managers are looking to post a job online, it’s unsurprising that searching for where to post a job opening for free. Whilst it is possible to advertise a job for free, the most visited and respectable job platforms require employers to pay to for the service.

    Job credit prices vary across the industry. Our prices start at £250 +VAT for our ‘Intro Bundle’, and discounts apply when multiple job credits are purchased. If you’re looking for cheap job posting options, our job platform is half of  the majority of other graduate job boards – start posting jobs now!

  • When you post for a job to be advertised, the components of this advert can be segmented.

    The job advert refers to the entire posting (everything from location to salary), and is an opportunity to attract candidates by advertising what you can offer. It typically includes a brief summary of the job and its key requirements, along with information about the company and the application process. The primary purpose of a job ad is to generate interest in the job and encourage qualified candidates to apply.

    The job description is more specific, referring to the section of prose that outlines the job responsibilities, with the ultimate aim of informing potential hires. It typically includes information about the job title, the reporting structure, the essential functions of the job, the qualifications required, and any other relevant information.

    In short, a job ad is a marketing tool used to attract potential candidates to apply for a job, while a job description is a detailed document that provides an overview of the job and its requirements.

    Want to post your job ad on a platform that gets thousands of visitors every month? Advertise a job on the Give a Grad a Go website today!

  • Sponsored job posts are advertisements created by employers or recruiters to promote specific job openings. These posts are typically paid placements on job boards, social media platforms, or other career-related websites. They’re designed to attract a larger pool of candidates by giving the job more visibility compared to regular, non-sponsored listings.

    Employers pay for sponsored job posts to increase their chances of reaching qualified candidates and standing out in a competitive job market.

    These posts often appear at the top of search results or are highlighted in some way to draw attention. They might include additional features such as company logos, branding, or more detailed job descriptions to make them more appealing to potential applicants.

    Ultimately, the process of paid posting jobs maximises exposure for a particular job opening, increasing the likelihood of finding suitable candidates and filling the position efficiently.

    At Give a Grad a Go, we offer services such as sponsored MPU banners, sponsored content and web push notifications to promote your job ad to the thousands of grads that visit our site.