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How your degree can help you choose your ideal graduate job

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Coming to the end of your degree, you may have found you’re only presented with a few options of the types of jobs ‘out there’ for you to do.

But figuring out what graduate job you want doesn’t just come down to degree subject.

For example graduate finance jobs; you’ll find options ranging from broker or analyst, to marketing and HR.

You just need to figure out which one most suits you.

So, before you dismiss your degree altogether, here are three ways of breaking it down to figure out what graduate job might be best for you.


Break it down by module

A great place to start is to make a list of all the modules you ever covered and then rank them from most liked to least liked.

Then, when it comes to searching for jobs, consider companies that specialise in the areas you really did like and avoid job roles where you’ll have to focus on topics you really wouldn’t enjoy.


Break it down by assessment type

No doubt after 3 years of studying you’ll be familiar with almost every assessment type out there.

Whether it be a timed exam under pressure, a detailed research report, a conditioned lab practical or a year group presentation, everyone has their preferences.

First, think about which ones you enjoyed best and got you the best marks, then, find jobs that will see you spending a lot of your day-to-day doing it.

For example, fast-paced, time-dependant jobs include Financial Broker, recruitment consultant, and PR executive.

Whereas roles that focus more on presenting or interacting with people include, business development and HR.

Remember, you’re not limited to the sector.

Often you can find similar types of jobs across different sectors.

For example, jobs within research include; Business Analyst, Market Researcher, and Data Journalist.


Break it down by ways of learning

Whether you prefer explaining topics to others, writing and reading, or drawing visuals, we all have a way we learn best.

Deciding which way works best for you can be a jump start to finding the type of job you’ll find most engaging.

You might find thinking about the way you revise best, to be a good place to start.

Use this along with the breakdown of your ‘assessment type’ to narrow down the types of job roles to focus your efforts on.


Find more career advice on our careers advice blog – or check out the latest jobs for grads!


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