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Give a Grad a Go run to raise money for Shelter 🏃‍♂️

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This month, our charity committee at Give a Grad a Go took part in Shelter’s latest challenge ‘HomeRun’.

This virtual event gives participants the opportunity to set their own targets, deciding how far they want to run and how much money they want to raise.

Our team decided to set themselves the target of raising £750 and running 525 miles over the month of September.

We are delighted to announce that we beat this target in both respects, raising over £1000 and running almost 600 miles!

We are really happy with this result and to have helped support Shelter.

Who is Shelter?

The money we raised will go straight to Shelter, a UK housing and homelessness charity, who help millions of people every year who are struggling with bad housing or homelessness through their advice, support and legal services.

If you would like to sponsor us, please visit our fundraising page.


Shelter’s website offers some shocking statistics on homelessness in Britain:

  • 320,000 people in Britain are recorded as homeless.
  • 39,548 families became homeless in Britain last year.
  • Every 8 minutes a child becomes homeless in Britain.


How our donations could help the charity:

  • £10 could give someone in trouble a lifeline. This could pay for a call to Shelter’s urgent helpline.
  • £25 could provide someone who’ll listen. This could fund a face-to-face chat with a specialist housing adviser.
  • £157 could pay for a legal superhero. This would cover the legal advice to help someone facing eviction.


In total, the event saw participants run over 65,000 miles raising an incredible £156,000!

A message from our ‘Home Run’ team

Our charity committee created this team because we wanted to make a difference to the lives of homeless people. We are all inspired by the work of Shelter and wanted to support them by raising money as part of my participation in HomeRun.


  • Katie:

“There were definitely a few mornings where I had to drag myself out the door… but knowing that the money we fundraised will be going to such a brilliant cause makes it all worthwhile.”


  • Megan:

“Running all those miles really put us to the test! It’s an amazing way to raise money for a fantastic cause whilst getting your steps in at the same time.

Nobody should be put in a position where they feel unsafe or at risk due to homelessness, Shelter is doing an amazing job to provide help ot as many of those people as possible. I’m proud to have been able to support them in some way!” 


  • Camilla:

“From working in Australia this challenge was a really amazing way to be a part of something with the Give A Grad A Go team that is for such an important cause.

This is especially important right now, as people on the street are have a really terrible time at the moment, being at even greater risk during the COVID pandemic. This has been a really amazing thing that everyone has done and I’m really proud to be a part of it. You’re all awesome!”


  • Claire:

“I am so so proud of the team at GAGAGO for raising over £1000+ for Shelter and clocking in a whopping 592 miles across September! Everyone’s commitment and dedication to such a worthy cause has been amazing and I am incredibly proud of everyone who’s taken part.

Shelter is such an important charity that everyone should help to support (even without the HomeRun event) and we’re really appreciative of all the donations we’ve received from our friends and family to help us get there.” 

This event took place over the whole month of September, but this isn’t the only way we got involved with Charity. We also sponsored Anthony Nolan and organised a virtual interview tips webinar for the student Anthony Nolan ambassadors, known as ‘Marrowers’. Head over to our YouTube channel to watch!

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