“Should I quit my job?” Take the quiz and find out

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Most of us have probably experienced the ‘Sunday evening feeling’. The knotted feeling of dread in your stomach, your partner throwing their arms up in despair saying ‘for the love of god – please stop complaining about your boss!’, or genuinely feeling anxious and upset about the prospect of going into work.

This is not a healthy way to feel each week and if you have ever had a Sunday, or any day before work that feels like this, then you’ve probably already asked yourself ‘Should I quit my job?’. If you are wondering where to find graduate jobs then we have plenty of advice on our website.

Quitting a job is a tough decision. There are ups and downs to every role, but sometimes you might find yourself stuck in the ‘grey area’ of knowing whether or not to quit.

Take the quiz to find out whether you should quit your job!

On the hunt for graduate jobs? Find the latest vacancies on our job board!

First things first, consider your own situation:


  • Talk it over with your friends and family.

If your friends and family are repeatedly telling you to quit your job, then it might be time to start paying attention. It can be hard to notice the long term effect of a job on yourself, but if people around you have picked up on your low mood, then it might be time to take action.


  • Is the grass always greener?

Are there any perks about your job that you might miss? For example, a short commute or an early finish on a Friday? Writing down a list of the positive aspects of your job that you enjoy can be a good way to fall back in love with your job.


  • Financial stability

While the most important thing is your mental and physical well-being, it is important to consider the financial implications of quitting your job. Depending on your position, you might want to take some time to travel, have a career break or search for other opportunities. If you are wanting to get a new job as soon as possible, get in contact with recruiters who can help match you to  your dream job.


  • You don’t feel excited by anything in your role

While it is normal to lose the novelty of a fresh new job or role after time, feelings of being done-in, disinterested or defeated should not be prevalent all the time. You will spend a great amount of your time in the workplace, so wondering ‘should I quit my job?’ is not a decision to take lightly.


  • Remember you are not on your own.

A 2019 Workplace Satisfaction Survey from the Addison Group found that 80% of people said that even one bad day at work would make them likely or very likely to start a job search again. If you do have a really bad day, know that there is help online for managing mental health in the workplace.


  • Follow through your decision:

Ask yourself ‘should I quit my job?’ and once you’ve reached your decision, follow it through. If you do decide to stay in your job then it’s important to be proactive in improving your situation, inside or outside of work. It isn’t easy to know whether you should leave your job, but replaying the scenario over and over again won’t improve anything.

Other Factors affecting your decision:

Once you have looked at how you’re feeling, then try and consider factors of your job that may be influencing your decision:


Your boss:

It is not always easy to know how to be a good manager, but if your boss is being unreasonable and downright difficult to work with, then it can create a negative working environment.

If things become unbearable, it may be worth asking to report to someone else or searching for opportunities in other departments. If the alternative avenues have already been explored, then it might be best to take the plunge and quit your job.


Your progression at work:

If there is not a great amount of progression at work, then you may consider looking for another role. Quitting a job is not always a bitter affair, and you might be sat here wondering whether to leave your job for another offer or how to quit your job nicely.

A common reason for quitting a job that you love is a lack of progression. If you aren’t pushing your boundaries, able to progress or gain a higher salary, then you may want to think about moving on.


Your colleagues:

When you are spending the majority of your time at work, it can be mentally draining to work in a toxic environment.

There may be an ‘Instagram filter’ over the reality of a workplace where you only notice the office politics once you’ve got settled in.

For some, it is easy to brush off these situations, but if you find yourself mentally exhausted or unable to work to your usual standard, then it may be time to look for a different environment.


External factors:

If there isn’t anything blindingly obvious as to why you want to quit your job, then maybe look at the external factors influencing your opinion.

Are you mentally or physically stressed from your home life, struggling with the commute, or looking for a bit of excitement?

Trying a new hobby, focusing on relationships at home, and exploring flexible working options may be things to consider if you decide to stay in your job.


You’ve read a million articles like this, and are still questioning ‘should I quit my job?’

If you’re still unsure if you should leave your job, then try writing down the pros and cons of your job with cues from this blog. When you have reached your answer, then it’s time to create a game plan for your next step.

Remember that it’s OK if you feel as though all of these things are wrong with your job – at least you will know what to look for in your next role!

So, you’ve decided you’re quitting your job. What do you do now?

  1. Brush up your CV. The Give A Grad A Go website has some professional CV templates and creative CV templates for you to explore.
  2. Update your LinkedIn and show that your open for opportunities.
  3. Have a look at current roles available in your industry and speak to a recruiter about the graduate job hunt.
  4. Plan your cash flow to keep you covered and eliminate stress while you’re temporarily unemployed.
  5. Think about what you want to do next, take some time out and travel, set up your own company, move industries or roles?

Job Notice Letter Template:

Knowing what to say when resigning can leave you feeling speechless, especially if you are quitting a job you love. We have created this basic template will help you know what to say when quitting a job.

Job Notice Letter Template – Statement of Intent

The first thing you should include in your job notice letter is your intent of leaving. Be sure to include the name of your official staff position.


  • Example 1: Dear X, Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation from my position as Office Manager.
  • Example 2: Dear X, I am very honoured to be working for (Company name) and have learned much in the time that I have spent here. However, it is with much sadness to inform you that this is my formal resignation from my post as Account Executive.
  • Example 3: Dear X, I am writing to inform you that I will be leaving my role as Junior Accountant at (Company name).


Job Notice Letter Template – Last Day of Employment

The second part of your job notice letter should provide information on when your last day of employment will be. A notice period of around 2 weeks is usually expected, however in pre-agreed circumstances or more extreme cases the resignation may be with immediate effect.


  • Example 1: My last day of employment will be X, which provides you with two weeks notice.
  • Example 2: As per the terms of my employment contract, I will continue to work for the company for the next two weeks, completing my employment on XX/XX/XXXX.
  • Example 3: I will be resigning my position here immediately due to X.

Job Notice Letter Template – A Thank You

Even if you have had a negative experience in your job, it is always good to end on a positive note. Thanking your employer for the experience and opportunities they have given you, and stating what you’ve enjoyed and learned from working with them is important. This will leave a lasting positive impression, which may be useful for references in the future!


  • Example 1: Thank you so much for the opportunity to work in this position for the past (state amount of time). I’ve greatly enjoyed and appreciated the opportunities I’ve had to (a few of your favourite job responsibilities), all of which I will take with me throughout my career.
  • Example 2: I am very grateful for the support and the opportunities you have provided me over the course of the X years. You and your team have created a climate that makes it a pleasure to come into work each morning and I will miss you all.
  • Example 3: I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your help, support and opportunities in the last X years I have been with the company. It has been a remarkable experience and I feel I have gained a lot of knowledge that I can take with me into my future pursuits.

Job Notice Letter Template: Offer to Assist with the transaction

Offering to assist in the transaction is a nice way to show that your dedication will not falter before you leave. Offering to ensure a smooth handover will be appreciated by your employer and create a smoother handover process.


  • Example 1: During my last two weeks, I’ll do everything possible to wrap-up my duties and train other team members. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to aid during the transition.
  • Example 2: I will hand over all my work to whomever you consider right to replace me. Rest assured that I will complete any pending work before I leave.
  • Example 3: I hope a two-week notice is sufficient to find a replacement for me. If I can help to train my replacement or tie up any loose ends, please let me know.

More top tips on what to say when quitting your job:

  • Don’t complain: If you are moving country, or have been offered a position you cannot refuse then it is acceptable to state the reason why you are leaving. However, make sure that you don’t take this opportunity to vent about why you didn’t like your job – you might need them as a reference!
  • Keep it short: As long as your resignation letter has the basic information and a warm tone, there is no need for it to be particularly lengthy.
  • Stay in touch: Add your contact details and extend your desire to keep in touch. There may be an opportunity or reason to do so in the future.

Should I quit my job quiz

Should you quit your job? Still not sure? Take our quiz and find out!

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