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8 quick tips to help you job hunt while you revise 📖

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Final year revision is a tough enough experience without having to think about applying jobs once you’ve finished your exams.

The trouble is as soon as exams are over, the Graduate job market becomes flooded and the best jobs are the first to go.

That’s why we came up with 8 quick tips to help prepare yourself for the job hunt while you revise, so you can get a head of the game and hopefully land yourself your dream job as soon as you’ve finished University.


#1 Get recommendations on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is becoming ever more important in the world of business, especially as it’s becoming increasing common for an employer to look through a prospective employee’s social media profiles.

A recommendation from an authoritative figure on LinkedIn can therefore go a long way, so make sure you build up endorsements, whether it’s from your lecturers or former employers – the more you have the better!


#2 Make a spreadsheet

The best way to see what is achievable is to have it all logged in one place. You’ve already got enough on your plate with revision without having to think about job application deadlines.

The solution to effectively managing your time is simple – make a list of the jobs you want to apply for along with their deadline dates. But remember to be realistic about the number of applications you have time to complete.


#3 Glam up your CV

Your CV should look very different post-university, to how it looked when you first started. You will have acquired many new skills on your journey through education that you will now need to get down onto paper in the most effective way possible. Want more CV tips and advice? Download our free PDF – The Graduate’s Guide to CV’s and Interview’s.


#4 Get your name out there!

Get in touch with a recruitment agency to help get your name out there! Recruitment agencies have a direct line to some of the biggest businesses who are looking to hire. Register with us today and you’ll be able to access our UK leading recruitment services. We’re experts at getting graduates their first job and helping you get noticed by the right company for you.


#5 Follow-up contacts from career fairs

If you hit it off with someone from a career fair, add them on LinkedIn or keep in touch with them over email. A good word from them could be what gets your foot in the door at your next job.


#6 Start a portfolio

Portfolios are a great way for you to show-off the work you have done both in and outside of education. It is also a great way for you to stand-out from the crowd, as it gives prospective employers solid evidence of your achievements.

It may seem like a simple trick, but being able to present your work in this way is a far better way of showcasing your capabilities and more interesting than just listing them off.


#7 Relax it’s the weekend!

It might not be the weekend when you read this post, but the key to success whether it’s revising or job hunting is giving yourself a break. Not only does this give your brain a rest, but more importantly you’re giving yourself some time to get some perspective on your application.

Taking a step back before you hit ‘send’ will give you time to think about how well your application is tailored to the job specification. Remember, once you hit that ‘send’ button, there is no going back.


#8 Open your ears

There are plenty of video and podcast resources online! Check out our YouTube channel for loads of helpful videos on all sorts of topics!


Find more handy advice on our Graduate Blog – or check out our jobs board for jobs for graduates!

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