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Benefits of writing for students

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Why is writing good for you?

There are so many reasons why writing is important, here are some of the key factors that help to explain exactly why writing is good for you and why you might want to consider writing for the Give A Grad A Go student blog (Besides the fact you might win £150 cash!)

1. Increases career opportunities

If you’re a student currently studying at university, one of the questions you might be asking is how can writing help you in the future?

As expert graduate recruiters we have witnessed first-hand, time and time again employers choosing to hire one graduate over another because of their writing skills.

Students who struggle with academic writing can get help from research paper writing service online.

This way they not only improve their grades but also improve their writing skills for their future career.


2. Develops thought processes

Writing helps to improve analytical or problem-solving skills.

Regular writing will help students to become quicker at constructing sentences, conveying opinions and exploring tone of voice.

These are all very transferable skills for the workplace.


3. Gain blogging experience

If you want to get into blogging, writing for our student blog is a good place to start!

It gives you the opportunity to practice different styles of writing and find a writing method or technique that suits you.


4. Good for your health

We know that university can be a very stressful time for students, with endless exams and coursework, but writing down thoughts and feelings can be a good way to relieve this stress, relaxing the brain by clearing the mind and creating a similar outcome to mediation.

Find out other ways to stay stress-free.


5. Broadens knowledge

The more you write, the more you will learn.

It has been proven that writing information down helps to reinforce the knowledge in your brain and you’re more likely to remember this information for longer!

Depending on the topic you are writing about, you may be required to do some research.


6. Widens vocabulary

Writing introduces you to new words and encourages you to utilise different language styles.

You will discover a more diverse range of vocabulary in order to deliver your messages clearly.

This takes some organisation and planning but will inspire you to find sophisticated words to emphasise key points made.


7. Improves concentration

This is one of the key benefits of writing by hand; focusing on writing takes time away from modern technology (the screen of your phone or TV which are said to have a negative effect on concentration) and instead clears your thoughts and directs your attention, allowing you to make better decisions.


8. Increases productivity

Rationalising your thoughts enables you to become more productive in other ways.

Writing activates neurons in your brain which subsequently helps you to complete other tasks.

Similarly, if you write down your goals, you are far more likely to achieve them.


9. Uses imagination

It is well known that our imagination tends to weaken with age, and so creative writing can be very empowering.

Practising being observational and inventive with ideas not only improves your descriptive skills, but can also have positive health benefits, boosting feelings of happiness and fulfilment.


10. Strengthens confidence

Another advantage of writing is that it can improve communication skills which will facilitate improvements in confidence and self-esteem.

Writing can make it easier for you to communicate complex viewpoints more effectively, practice persuasive skills and grow your ‘voice’.


11. Social connections and talking points

Writing is a good talking point and a way to find common ground in social situations (plus, being a writer makes you interesting!)

You also may make connections that you wouldn’t have otherwise, for example this could be through blogging, the university writing society or writing events such as live readings.


12. Aids the healing process

Not only can writing offer a distraction but it can be used as a form of therapy or way to overcome issues or grief and provide support in difficult times.


13. Enhances happiness

Another benefit of writing for students is that if you enjoy writing it can be very entertaining.

Writing down or preserving memories can be a lovely way to reminisce happy moments and become aware and content with who you are and how you feel.

We hope now you have a better understanding of why writing is important and the key benefits of writing for students. Are you an aspiring writer looking to gain valuable blogging experience?

How do you like the sound of having your writing published on one of the most trusted careers websites in the UK?

Find out more about our Student Guest Blog Programme, written for students, by students!

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