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Travelling after graduation: 5 ways it can boost your career prospects

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You’ve made it through three years of studying, you’ve got your degree in hand and you are now faced with the inevitable question ‘what next?’

Well if you’re looking to spend some time travelling after university before getting down to the job search, you are not alone.

Many graduates look to make the most of their final summer of ‘freedom’ by jet setting across the globe.

But with so many adventurous graduates out there, how can you ensure you’re standing out from the crowd when you return?

We have got 5 tips for making the most of your time away to boost your career prospects.


1. Your organisational skills become second to none

Whether you&’re going away for few weeks or several months, successfully planning travels abroad takes a huge amount of organisation; from coordinating flights and activities to overcoming language barriers and managing finances.

You will find yourself developing many skills useful for the workplace, such as negotiating, time management and the ability to adapt to scenarios outside of your comfort zone.

We recommend taking note of everything involved in planning your travels, this way you will be able to pinpoint to prospective employers exactly when and how you successfully used these skills.


2. You learn the lingo

Travelling is a fantastic way to get your language skills up to scratch, but what will really ensure you stand out from other adventurous grads, is detailing how you used your language skills.

Were you working as a teacher, stepping in as an interpreter for confused tourists or attempting to haggle a good deal with the locals?

Giving the context in which you used your language will give employers a better idea of your level of proficiency, as well as how your skills could translate to the workplace.

Find out why employers value languages and tips on how to learn a language.


3. You get a confidence boost

Navigating your way around any new place is a daunting prospect, but overcoming these challenges, you will often find yourself with a new found self confidence.

By stepping outside of your comfort zone and building your confidence on your travels, you may discover the transition into the working world is less daunting than you first thought.


4. You have new experiences

Are you able to arrange work placements in the countries you are travelling to? Having hands-on experience of another country’s business markets can prove very attractive to a prospective employer.

If you cannot get a work placement, look out for any volunteering opportunities available. Volunteering can boost your employability, and remember, the key with all experience is not just stating what you did, but how you made a difference.


5. You expand your network

Travelling gives you the opportunity to meet a huge range of different people, providing a great chance to network. Check out our tips for successful networking.

Why not have a set of business cards made with your LinkedIn profile address, complete with a blank side to write down any key contacts you make. You never know how these networks may help you land your dream graduate job. Before you give out your LinkedIn address make sure your profile is up to date! If you haven’t updated it already, use our tips for creating a good LinkedIn profile for extra help on this.


Looking for more graduate career advice? Head over to our blog for some really good advice for graduates starting or progressing in careers – or search the latest graduate schemes UK on our jobs board.


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