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Give a Grad a Go partner with Charlotte Wiseman: Mental fitness 🧠

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Mental ill-health is the leading cause of sickness absence from work costing UK employers an average of £1300 per employee.

To reduce absenteeism, presenteeism and unnecessary staff turnover as a result of low mental wellbeing, we need to give everyone the tools to support each other.

That’s why we’re pleased to announce that we have partnered with Charlotte Wiseman, Positive Psychology Researcher and Mental Fitness Expert.

This means that we are offering our clients discounted access (7.5%) to the newly accredited-only Mental Health First Aid online training.

This two-day course qualifies participants as MHFA England certified Mental Health First Aiders, giving employees the skills to spot the signs of symptoms of low mental health and support individuals in the workplace.

It is recommended that every organisation should have 1 Mental Health First Aider for every 25-50 employees.

What is Mental Health First Aid training?

Mental Health First Aid training offers a proactive approach to understanding and supporting mental health, aiming to stop issues arising before they become a crisis and enable early intervention when it does.

This promotes quicker recovery for the individual, limits the impact of ill-health on business and enables employees to be the best they can be.

In September 2017 The Mayor of London recommended for all organisations to adopt training for their teams and the government has highlighted Mental Health First Aid training as a “game changer”.


After completing the course, participants will leave with:

  • An in-depth understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect wellbeing
  • Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues
  • Confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress
  • Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening
  • Knowledge to help someone recover their health by guiding them to further support.


For more details or to book your space, please contact [email protected] and quote ‘Give A Grad A Go – First Aid Course Special Offer’ in the subject line.


Working from home mental fitness advice

During lockdown, we are releasing a series of videos from Charlotte Wiseman, to help you with your working from home routines and adapt to the changing climate.

Charlotte is from an evidence-based scientific background, so all of the tips in the video are science-led and will be really practical advice.

There is a download ‘hand-out’ with every video we release, which can be downloaded below.

Tip: change the playback speed in the settings at the bottom right corner, to suit your learning requirements. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great videos!

Part 1: The power of routines

It’s important that we understand that routine is fundamental when we are going through a time of change.

When we have any sense of uncertainty or a change in our circumstances, we are naturally triggered into a stress response. It feels uncomfortable, which is totally normal.

What we know is that when we get put into that space, we start to see the negative.

We are less able to think clearly because we’re more emotional and less able to cope.

Part 2: Goal setting for success

In part 2 Charlotte talks about ‘what is effective goal setting?’ and ‘how do we celebrate success?’.

Most of us are setting too many goals, and this is actually inhibiting our ability to achieve these goals.

When we set too many goals, what happens is we find it harder to focus, harder to prioritise and we also feel less sense of achievement when we actually do things.

Part 3: High quality connections

For part 3, Charlotte talks about high-quality connections at work.

During this time when we are working from home, with social distancing measures in place, we have to continue to maintain social interactions.

This is possible nowadays with all the different video conferencing interfaces we have.

Every day we should be setting ourselves goals to connect with someone else.

Charlotte recommends connecting with someone from work on a professional level and also connecting with someone on a personal level every day.

Part 4: Spheres of control

In this video Charlotte talks about how we manage ‘overthinking’.

When we go through any period of change or transition, it initially feels very uncomfortable and that’s absolutely natural.

This brings our stress response up and it feels like you can’t cope.

But over time, the body adapts and we get to a point where we can maintain performance.

To get to this point, what we need to do is manage our overthinking, the stress and the worry.

The handout shows circles of control and influence and demonstrates how we can manage control in our life.

Part 5: Discovering strength

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