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How to keep the graduate job hunt stress-free

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The graduate job search process can be an intimidating journey as a newcomer.

Between CV rewrites, awkward networking events and lengthy interviews, finding your first job can be downright stressful.

It’s important, however, to remain calm and level-headed, so you don’t rush into the wrong career.

Here are some tips on how to stay stress-free whilst you’re applying for graduate jobs, so you land the role that’s right for you.


Get organised

A lot of the stress that accompanies the job search is caused by a constantly growing to-do list: people to email, applications to send, and events to attend.

Instead of panicking about all the tasks you have to complete, or getting overwhelmed by job possibilities, spend some time to get yourself organised.

De-cluttering and organising your documents, desk and mind can reduce stress levels by providing you with a sense of control and empowerment.

Start out small, by sorting your desk. Put pens in a cup, clear off scrap paper, and organise important documents into folders.

While you’re at it, consider using a desktop folder stand to save space and keep important papers visible.

Then, organise your job prospects by setting up online posting alerts and maintaining a desktop folder with different CVs and cover letters.

These easy and cheap steps should help you feel lighter and much less overwhelmed, as well as helping you to apply for graduate jobs more easily.



Helping others is not only a great mood-booster, but it’s also an effective way to spend your time between job interviews.

Volunteering looks great on a resume, showcasing your personal interests and demonstrating your teamwork capabilities.

As a recent grad, it’s also a great way to fill experience gaps on your CV and expand your skillset.

Plus, giving back to others can take your mind off of stressful thoughts and help you feel more socially connected.


Get lots of rest

Sleep is every job seeker’s best friend.

Not only does it help boost your problem-solving and creative skills – both critical assets in interviews – but it can also help lower anxiety.

A good night’s rest can drastically cut levels of stress hormones, leaving you refreshed, energetic and focused for when you’re looking for graduate jobs, and attending interviews.

To get more shut-eye, try to stay on a routine that regulates the hours you sleep so you can drift off at an appropriate time.

Then, outfit your bedroom with sleep-supporting essentials: sunlight-blocking curtains, breathable sheets, and a mattress that’s soft, but supportive.

Discounts on these items can easily be found online – check out this Casper promo page – and should make it much easier to forget about job-related stress, maintain a healthy mind and fall asleep quickly.


Try a side gig

To relieve some of the financial stress of the job search, consider making some cash on the side.

Whether it be waiting tables part-time, selling crafts online, online freelancing or tutoring high schoolers, any hobby or skill can be put to financial use.

The small income that part-time jobs create should allow you the freedom to spend time finding the perfect job or career path for you.

Plus, it should fill your time with constructive work and the chance to be sociable, two aspects of a stress-free life that can also build out space on your resume.


Consider upskilling

Although your degree will of course play a big role in helping you get your ideal graduate job, you could also consider adding additional skills to your graduate CV.

You can state on your CV that you’re currently completing a videography course, for example.

This will make you stand out to an employer and demonstrate that you are still keen to continue to build on your existing skillset in your spare time.

Take a look at these free online training courses to help you upskill.

Don’t let the job search interrupt your life or wellbeing.

Keep yourself healthy, organised and busy so you’re able to stay stress-free while applying for graduate jobs – and ultimately find the job of your dreams!

Check out our tips on how to answer the common graduate job interview question “how do you handle stress?” Find more career advice on our careers advice blog – or check out the latest graduate jobs!


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