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Graduate job interview checklist ✔

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Preparing for a job interview can be daunting, but sticking to a simple structure will ensure you’re ready to step into the spotlight.

Here at Give a Grad a Go, we’ve shared some tips to help put you in a good mindset and swap those nerves for confidence.


Breaking down the job interview preparation process into digestible points can form a clearer path to follow; from making a note of questions to ask at the end of an interview, to printing off copies of your CV – keeping these fresh in your mind will make sure all bases are covered.

Here’s a printable version of the checklist for you to keep on track, one tick box at a time – Good Luck!

Job Interview Checklist

1. Analyse the job description thoroughly

Go through the job description with a fine comb, using a bright coloured highlighter to pick out key points you need to remember.

Have a think about any questions that you might have as you read through and make some notes so that you don’t forget any.

2. Cross-reference your CV with the job description

What transferrable skills do you have that can be applied to this role?

Spend some time planning answers to common interview questions, so that you don’t get thrown off by anything the employer asks you.

3. Review previous experiences

When practising answering questions, start to review any previous experiences you’ve had that relate to – when have you used your initiative?

How did you deal with an angry customer before?

4. Research the company thoroughly

Why do you want to work for them?

When were they founded?

Who are their key competition and target audience?

Have they got any campaigns or activities running at the moment?

Don’t just look at their website, it is also worth having a look at their social media channels to have a more holistic understand of the company.

Check out our top tips on how to research an employer.

5. Confirm time and location

Don’t wait until the last minute to find out the time and or location of the interview.

Show your potential employer how proactive you are by organising and planning your travel far in advance.


6. Plan your route to their offices

If you have time before, you could even do a test run and try to scout out the location prior to the day of the interview.

This will enable you to find your bearings and ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible on the day.

7. Prepare questions to ask

Prepare some questions to ask at the end of the interview – it’s really important to show you’re eager to find out more about the role, the company and general day-to-day tasks.

8. Graduate interview advice blogs and videos

Watch our video guides on how to answer the most common interview questions.

Tip: change the playback speed in the settings at the bottom right corner, to suit your learning requirements. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great videos!


9. Print off copies of your CV

Find out how many people are going to be interviewing you and print out enough copies of your CV for everyone.


10. Take examples of your work/portfolio with you

With so many other graduates looking for the same job role, it is important that you stand out from the crowd.

Prepare and print out some of your best work, and (if appropriate) you could even go along to the interview with some ideas of ways that you would be able to help the company and any tips or recommendations for improvement.

11. Pick out appropriate clothing

It’s best to have an idea of what you are going to wear to the interview in the weeks leading up to the day.

Do you have appropriate formal and smart clothing to wear or will you need to buy something smart especially?

If you’re stuck or unsure, can a friend help you out with something you can borrow?

Get your outfit ready the night before instead of rushing around in the morning!

Find out exactly what to wear to a job interview.

12. Arrive on time!

This is one of the most vital tips for an interview.

Turning up late for your first interview does not make a good first impression.

We recommend you add an extra 1 hour to your travel time; if you arrive early you can always grab a coffee and have a chill before the interview to calm any nerves!


Find more career advice on our careers advice blog – or check out our jobs board to quickly discover how to secure a graduate job!

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