Five tips for coping with post-uni blues 😥

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There’s a common conception amongst students that when you graduate from university and your three or four years of intense studying have finally come to an end, you should feel excited about entering the ‘real world’.

However, for many students this is not always the case and entering into the world of work or adjusting to post-graduate life can be a time full of uncertainty, pressure, and anxiety.

Since many students have become accustomed to having a ‘next step’, and the structure and stability that education provides, once this has gone it can be an overwhelming experience.

The ‘post uni blues’ are very common amongst recent graduates, with a survey by City Mental Health Alliance finding 49% of students saying their mental health and well-being declined after leaving university.

Saying goodbye to education and leaving your student bubble behind to transition to a whole new life with different routines and responsibilities can seem tough.

Feeling apprehensive about the future is totally normal, and whilst post-graduate life may seem daunting at first, there are ways to overcome leaving university depression.

Here are 5 top tips to help you deal with anxiety surrounding leaving university and to look after your graduate mental health.

If you’re a recent graduate looking for your first entry level job, check our the latest graduate jobs in London and the UK.

If you’d like to write for our student and graduate blog programme and gain valuable copywriting experience, get in touch below.

What are the signs of post-grad anxiety?

It’s important to point out that anxiety symptoms are different from person to person, you might not have all of these signs or you might have a lot of them.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of post-graduate depression and anxiety to look out for:

  • Feelings of apprehension or dread about the future
  • Feeling ‘lost’ and unsure about what to do next
  • A lack of motivation or difficulty concentrating
  • Feeling like you are at a standstill
  • Feeling disorganised


If you are feeling any of these symptoms, it’s completely normal and you shouldn’t panic, although feeling lost, unmotivated and disorganised for a prolonged period of time can stop you from achieving your goals and having a plan for the future.

We’ve put together 5 helpful tips below to help you combat these feelings and find support to kick-start your post-graduate life – whatever you want to do!


5 tips to help you manage post-graduation depression

Looking to overcome your post-uni blues and for ways of dealing with anxiety and stress? Here are 5 helpful tips…

1. Stop comparing yourself to others

It’s easy to fall into the trap of looking at the people around you and thinking: ‘why doesn’t my life look like that?’ 

Maybe your best friend has just secured their dream job and you’re still struggling to get interviews or you’re working in a job you don’t enjoy and your coursemates are off travelling the world – either way, it’s normal to compare your life to theirs.

However, constant comparison to others can take a toll on your self-esteem and leave you thinking that you’ll never be as good as others – which isn’t the case.

A tip to overcome constantly comparing yourself is to let go of this set timeline that seems to be sold to us from an early age- there is more than one way to navigate your twenties and success looks different for everyone!

The quicker you stop focusing on these unrealistic expectations and societal pressures that are placed on graduates, the quicker you can focus on figuring out what you enjoy, what you value and what you actually want to do.

If you’ve recently graduated and need help deciding what graduate career is right for you, take our career test for graduates to find entry-level careers that are a great match for you.


2. Talk to other people about how you’re feeling

It might not always feel like it, but there will be plenty of other people feeling the same as you.

Hearing that you aren’t alone and talking about your worries with other graduates in the same situation can really help.

You will soon realise that feeling anxious about your future is very common and not really knowing what you’re doing is normal.

Instead of comparing yourself to others, ask them for advice and learn from them.

Finding someone you can relate to will go such a long way in helping you overcome your post-grad anxiety.

Talking to others is a great way to improve your mental health.

If you’re a student at university struggling with your mental health, check out our latest blog for more tips on how to look after your mental health at university.


3. Keep a routine and make time for yourself

If you have recently graduated and are applying for jobs, your days may feel quite disorganised, and for many people, this lack of structure can induce a lot of anxiety.

It’s a good idea to get into a routine to help you feel a bit more in control.

A good way to structure your day is to set aside a few hours to apply for jobs, work on your CV and research careers.

Give yourself a time frame of 2-4 hours, as if you spend the whole day applying it can be draining and the likelihood is your applications may not be as strong.

Applying for jobs can feel like a full-time job, but it’s also important to make time for the things you enjoy, whether this is a sport, going to the cinema, or seeing friends.

Make time for yourself and don’t put too much pressure if you don’t get everything done in a day – there’s always tomorrow!

Another great way to add structure to your day, and something that is proven to have a number of benefits for your mental health is volunteering.

Choosing to volunteer is a highly rewarding way to spend your free time and it can boost your employability.

For some great organisations to virtually volunteer for, check out our blog for virtual volunteering ideas for students and graduates.


4. Reach out to your university’s careers service

Many people experiencing graduate anxiety or other mental health challenges report that a lot of their negative feelings come from not really knowing what to do next.

Whether it’s struggling to get a job, experiencing rejection, or not knowing how to make yourself as employable as possible, all of these things are difficult to deal with but there is help out there.

Lots of universities allow graduates access to their career services after they’ve graduated, these services have plenty of useful resources on job application guidance.

At Give A Grad A Go, we’re here to help you every step of the way with your graduate job applications, whether you need CV writing tips and templates, help deciding what graduate career is right for you, interview questionpractice, or guidance on working in London.

Register with us today and speak with our industry expert recruiters to kick-start your graduate job hunt!

Getting support with job applications may help you feel like you have a bit more control and may alleviate some of your anxiety.

Not sure where to begin when it comes to writing your graduate CV? Take a look at our CV tips guide.


5. Give yourself time to adjust

Leaving university is a huge readjustment, so it’s important to give yourself time to adjust.

There are so many things that are changing in your life right now, so don’t rush and put pressure on yourself to have everything figured out straight away, it will take time.

Give yourself credit where credit is due and celebrate your successes, no matter how small they might be – whether this is finding a part-time job, booking to go travelling, or finishing your CV.

As long as you are taking steps towards your future, it doesn’t matter how big they are.

If you’re feeling anxious about graduating or are struggling to navigate post-graduate life, follow these simple tips to help you feel more relaxed and ready to take on the future.

Remember, you aren’t alone, below are some more help and resources for coping with mental health at university:

Mental health resources for graduates:

  • Student Minds– has various helpful resources to help you combat your mental health at university.
  • Mind Charity– Phone 0300 123 3393 (Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm)
  • NHS Mental Health Services– or call 111 for advice or ask for an urgent GP appointment if you need immediate help with your mental health.
  • NHS Mood Self-Assessment– The NHS offers a free online mood self-assessment which can help students gain a better understanding of how they have been feeling over the last two weeks.
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