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8 ways to stay calm whilst you’re revising

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Let’s face it – revising for your final set of exams at university is pretty stressful.

With the prospect of graduation looming and the pressure to convert your hard work into results at the forefront of your mind, it can be difficult to avoid exam anxieties.

But your grades will really suffer if you spend your time stressing instead of studying – so to help you out, here are our top tips on how to keep calm and revise.

1. Create a revision checklist

When you first begin revising, the finish line can seem very far away.

But instead of feeling overwhelmed, try breaking down everything you need to do into small, realistic and easily achievable steps.

That way, you can be sure that you’re covering every task you need to complete in order to reach your end goal – and will be able to remain calm as you tick things off your to-do list one by one.

Luckily for you, we’ve already got a revision checklist ready for you to use.


2. Draw up a timetable

When you have a huge chunk of material to revise, the worst thing you can do is panic and begin to cram without any structure in place.

Putting together both a weekly and monthly revision timetable alongside your checklist can help to put your mind at ease by adding structure to your revision.

On your timetable, it’s important to include all of the required topics and the date you wish to have each one covered by.

Not only is it key to make sure you try to stick to your timetable as much as possible, but it’s also crucial to review your revision progression on a weekly basis.

This will allow you to identify what is working (and what isn’t) so that you can make any necessary adjustments for the following weeks.


3. Think outside the box

Following the same revision routine, every day can become mundane, and if you get bored of reading textbooks and re-writing your notes you’re likely to become distracted.

Instead, try coming up with some creative alternates to break the routine and keep you engaged – like mind-mapping, flashcards, or even teaching someone else what you have learnt.


4. Use tech to your advantage

We are fortunate to live in a day and age where we can use technology for all areas of our everyday life – and this includes revision!

Tech can really be a help or a hindrance when it comes to studying, and while we all know that the internet can often be a big distraction, there are plenty of apps available to ensure that you remain calm and focused during the revision period.

StayFocusd is a particularly handy app that can be installed on Google Chrome – limiting the amount of valuable revision time you spend scrolling through websites (yes, Facebook, we’re talking about you!) Check out our suggested useful revision apps.


5. Fuel up

During times of stress, it can be tempting to turn to unhealthy foods and caffeinated drinks in an attempt to power through your revision.

And whilst these kinds of foods and drinks will give you a short temporary fix, they have a big downside – a hard crash that will really impact upon your productivity.

Incorporating foods and drinks into your everyday diet that are rich in antioxidants, omega 3 and protein will keep you fuller for longer, boost your concentration levels and ultimately make sure that you are remaining stress-free and healthy during your revision.

If you want to know more, check out our guest blog by Rude Health on how to stay energised and motivated.


6. Sweat it out

A great way to combat the stresses of exam season and stay motivated is to incorporate physical exercise in your weekly schedule.

You can’t revise 24/7, and exercising is a much more productive way to give your mind a break than watching an episode of your favourite Netflix show.

Even better, whether it’s spinning, boxing or going for a long stroll, exercise has been scientifically proven to lower anxiety by releasing the chemicals serotonin and dopamine – so you’ll be sitting back down to study feeling super-accomplished and stress-free.


7. Clear your mind

Revising for exams, especially over an extended period of time, has the possibility to become really detrimental to your mental health.

Along with your physical health, it’s important to keep your mind healthy during this stressful period, and a great way to remain calm is to use meditation apps such as Stop, Breathe & Think and Headspace.

They offer an array of tools to help you to think reflectively, keep track of your emotional well-being, as well as improve your concentration!


8. Socialise!

Being cooped up in the library at unsociable hours can be isolating – so arranging study group sessions with your classmates is a fantastic way to make it a little more bearable for everyone.

And if you’re not sure if studying with your mates is going to work for you, arranging a social gathering outside of your schedule is a chance to take a break and reward yourself and your friends for all the hard work you have put in so far.

Revising for your final exams at university is always going to be stressful – but this can be really detrimental to your productivity.

So to make sure that you’re getting the most out of your revision, follow our top tips to staying calm while you study.

If you want to see more revision advice, check out our blog showing 19 quick revision tips!

Find more career advice on our Careers Advice Blog – or check out the latest grad schemes!

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