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The benefits of being a Student Brand Ambassador 😎

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Finding work that fits alongside your university studies can be stressful and often result in you compromising your valuable study, social and rest time.

Midway through my second year at university, I came across a part-time job as a Student Brand Ambassador for a campaign by the Foreign Office.

A year on from then, I still hold the position and find myself recommending all my friends to become Brand Ambassadors!

Aside from earning a little extra money whilst studying, here are some of the great benefits of becoming a Brand Ambassador.

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6 benefits of becoming a Brand Ambassador

  • Even if you have a packed timetable with a million lectures and seminars, Brand Ambassador jobs often require little time from you.

    Each week, I complete my work in 2-3 hours maximum, which includes social media management, article writing and campus events planning.

    The deadlines for work are very flexible, and most companies employing Brand Ambassadors understand that students’ workloads vary each week and take this into account.

    This flexibility means I still have plenty of time to prioritise my university work (and still have a life).

  • One of the main reasons I applied to be a Brand Ambassador for the Foreign Office, was because their campaign is something I’m so passionate about – being an avid traveller, keeping safe abroad has always been a priority of mine.

    I’ve learnt a lot from my time with the Foreign Office, which will prove invaluable in my travels, particularly their foreign travel checklist.

    Try and apply for Brand Ambassador roles with companies and organisations you are genuinely interested in and relate to, this will make your role feel less like a job, and you’ll enjoy developing your knowledge in a topic that you are interested in.

  • Being an ambassador requires responsibility, organisation, and communication, all of which are vital skills in any workplace, and will help you in your grad roles.

    As a Brand Ambassador, you will be exposed to a variety of new tasks, both carried out as a team, and independently, which will help develop a wide range of skills – all great to include in your graduate CV.

  • As a Brand Ambassador, you will have a certain level of freedom to produce your own content and event ideas for the brand you are working with.

    In the past I have been trusted to come up with my own social media posts, meaning I have the freedom to adapt the campaign to what I think my followers would enjoy.

    I’m also able to choose the topics to write my articles on, and what kind of events I would like to hold.

    Being a student Brand Ambassador gives you the opportunity to produce your own creative work and be in charge of your day-to-day work schedule, all developing your ability to work independently.

  • Part of being a Brand Ambassador will often involve organising events to spread the brand’s message and raising awareness to as many people as possible.

    Some of the events I have organised have involved public speaking in front of large groups.

    This was quite daunting at first, however, the more I did, I quickly started to gain confidence and enjoy chatting to people about the brand.

    Becoming a Brand Ambassador will often allow you to develop skills and boost your confidence, which can be applied to your future careers!

  • One part I really enjoy about being a Brand Ambassador, is being part of a team of other ambassadors.

    At training days and events, we all work together and have group chats to stay in touch and meet up with each other outside of the role.

    It’s really nice to know I have other people in the same position I can talk to if need to, and I feel I’ve made some really good friends throughout my time as ambassador.

Companies looking for Student Brand Ambassadors

Being a Brand Ambassador has been the perfect accompaniment to my university life, and a great way to prepare for graduation. If you are looking for an easy, worthwhile and enjoyable job, definitely apply to Brand Ambassador roles!

Here are some companies currently looking for Student Brand Ambassadors. If none of these take your fancy, keep an eye out for opportunities open at career fairs, search online and even contact companies directly to enquire.

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