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Love where you work: Give a Grad a Go partners with Sagal Group 🤝

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We find ourselves in a dramatically changing environment.

Whilst remote working environments are nothing new and many businesses have been set up with the appropriate technology and tools for some while, not all companies had quite taken the leap to implementing the freedom of remote working.

In the coming months, we will no doubt slowly migrate back to our places of work, but there will be a transition period and there will undoubtedly be some change.

This is why Give A Grad A Go have partnered with Sagal Group, to bring our clients an exclusive offer, to help with this transition period.

Who are Sagal Group?

Sagal Group create amazing work spaces for people to enjoy, focusing on commercial offices and the leisure and retail markets.

They offer a huge array of fantastic office furniture collections and work with talented design and construction professionals to develop and deliver a unique furniture solution, embracing their clients’ design briefs, aspirations, function and form.

They are not a single factory producer with little or no control over product design, but instead work alongside selected factories in the UK, Europe and Scandinavia, allowing them to blend the right skills and craftsmanship needed for the varied requirements of all their clients.


“At Sagal we believe that the workplace should make us smile, they should inspire us to be great and most of all offer comfort and function to you the user.”


Love where you work, starts with you!

As a new partner, Sagal Group are offering all Give A Grad A Go clients a free consultation with the Sagal team to help understand your pains and pressure points, and how you can transition safely back to the workplace.

In addition, if you do want to use Sagal’s services or products, they will then also apply a special discount.


Claim your Free Consultation & Discount:

Contact Sagal Group and Quote ‘Give A Grad A Go’

Telephone: 020 7253 7390
Email: [email protected]


The well-being of your employees is so important.

Sagal aim to ensure you can get back to your workplace hub with confidence that you and your employees can meet again safely.

In the meantime please download Sagal’s guide to Preparing for a Post Lockdown / COVID-19 Workplace that we hope will offer some insight and provoke some further questions for your own return to the workplace.

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