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How to write a research paper at University

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Writing a research paper is something you will have to do regardless of whether your course is science-based or not.

It is expected in university that you will have to write a research paper, and it is not always easy to do.

It requires time, research, and patience to make a good research paper.

As daunting as it seems, you can write a research paper in one week as long as you follow the following tips for writing a research paper.

Know what you want to write about

Before you work out how to write a research paper introduction, you have to know what you will write about.

Knowing how to write a research paper outline is something that you cannot make up in a flash. You have to do your proper research.

Do not just limit yourself to internet sources. Look at journals, books, and magazines as those can be insightful sources to help you know how to write a research paper with references that will be beneficial to you.

Take notes from the work of other professionals, like a respected academic or expert freelance science writer. And make sure not to plagiarise!

Look at other papers that discuss a similar topic to yours to see how other people did it is one of the best first steps how to write a research paper.

Collect all the relevant data you need and do not skimp out on your sources. This step may take a while but having the right and proper resources at your disposal before you write is essential if you want to paper to come out great and is a great way to get help in writing a research paper.


Schedule your week

After you know what you want to write and collect all the necessary sources, plan your writing week.

Schedule on your calendar what you want to write on each day and how much time you will allow for each section is one of the best strategies for writing a research paper.

If you feel that certain parts are going to take longer than some, prioritize the longer parts and give more time for them.

The last thing you want is to delay your research paper and need help with writing a research paper because you preoccupy yourself with other schoolwork.


Help with research papers for students

When it comes to writing a research paper in university, it requires a lot of effort, which is why a lot of students may see the task as difficult.

Writing a research paper is not easy, but there are ways to make the process a lot easier.

If you want, you can approach some of your fellow students or even alumni for help writing the research paper.

You can even pay for research paper at Edubirdie and get the work done in quick time.

Whether you lack the time or the ideas, the leading paper writing service will be there to help you out


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Remove yourself from possible distractions

When you write your paper, remove yourself from situations where you can get distracted.

Write in a safe environment where you feel comfortable writing such as your school library, the local cafe, an internet shop, or even your bedroom.

If you are getting distracted by your phone, turn off your notifications or just turn off the phone altogether.

Prioritize the cost of writing your research paper, so if your friends are inviting you for a night out, maybe you should say no to be free from any distractions.


Work on a flow that makes sense

Like with any piece of writing, the research paper has to make sense.

From beginning to end, the reader has to understand where the paper is going. You cannot just work on any part you like randomly.

You will need to work out how to write a research paper summary, how to write a research paper abstract and how to write a research paper methodology before you can start the full essay.

Like inspiring a child to write, you have to have an outline or flow that makes sense.

You can start with the review of related literature (RRL), as that will help you reference any statements you make later on in the paper.

You can also divide the paper into chapters and work on each in order, this is particularly important if you want to know how to write a research paper literature review.


Remember to give yourself a break

Even writing a research paper thesis requires a lot of energy, but that does not mean you have to overwork yourself to the point of exhaustion.

Remember to take breaks in between your writing. Drink water and eat some snacks as well.

Your brain needs to rest from all the writing you are doing. Do things that take you out of the writing space, such as a walk in the park or a drive around town.

After you are rested, go back to writing a research paper with a refreshed mind.



Research papers are the banes of many university students with how tedious and boring it is to write them.

You also need to finish the paper strongly and conclude your points well, so make sure you ask your lecturer how to write a research paper conclusion.

Yet, there are ways to make the process easier and make for a more efficient work process in one week. These tips should help you know how to write a research paper in one week.

All the hard work you put in will result in the benefits of writing a research paper and make the celebration you treat yourself after all the more worth it.


Author’s Bio:

Julius Sim is the Head of Support Team at Edubirdie, where he ensures 100% customer satisfaction with on-time delivery and error-free academic work for every order.

His go-getter approach has helped EduBirdie to become the best writing service for school and college students.

In his free time, he meditates, reads novels and plays golf.

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