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Checklist for Graduation: Things to remember for Graduation Day

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With exam season over and your final term coming to a close, it’s time to look forward to graduation – a very exciting time and one which signals the start of a new chapter.

It’s a brilliant way to acknowledge your achievements with friends and family and toast to the future, but have you prepared everything?

We’ve put together a checklist to help you remember all those important parts of your graduation day – from securing tickets to travel.


1. Register to attend ๐ŸŽซ

It’s easy to get caught up in the flurry of exams, but don’t forget to sign up for your graduation!

Not sure how to?

All of the details should be on your university website.


2. Make a note of the date and time โฒ

Graduation ceremonies can be segmented by subject, so remember to note down exactly when and where it’s happening.

You don’t want to turn up late or miss it.;


3. Buy guest tickets ๐Ÿ˜

Check the deadline for booking these tickets and remember there is usually a limited number per graduate, so make sure you choose quickly.


4. Pre-book your photography package๐Ÿ“ทย 

Want a professional headshot to sit pride of place on the mantelpiece?

Get the request in beforehand so you have something to mark the occasion.


5. Order your cap and gown ๐ŸŽ“

Your cap and gown are quintessential to your graduation experience and need to be pre-ordered so you can confirm measurements (you don’t want to find your cap doesn’t fit on the day!)


6. Stay hydrated ๐Ÿฅ‚

With graduation ceremonies taking place over the summer, remember to keep drinking lots of water (especially with all of the prosecco available on the day!)


7. Bring safety pins ๐Ÿ“

Make sure you bring safety pins to secure your university colours onto your graduation robe and stop them from falling down.


8. Sort travel arrangements ๐Ÿš—

Whether that involves checking bus timetables or pre-booking taxis – make sure your journey is planned in advance to avoid rushing around.

Ask if your family and friends can travel up the night before, especially if your ceremony is in the morning.

You wouldn’t want them to miss it due to traffic or a cancelled train!


9. Choose a smart outfit to wear ๐Ÿ’ƒ

Give yourself some time to plan what you’re going to wear to eliminate any last-minute panics – having it all laid out the night before will keep you organised and be able to enjoy the moments leading up to the big day.

For individuals choosing to wear high heels, try to pick something comfortable as it is likely that you will be standing on your feet a lot throughout the day!

Also bear in mind, that you are required to walk across a stage – make sure you can walk properly in your shoes and if they are new, perhaps bring some plasters with you on the day.


10. Take lots of photos on the day ๐Ÿ˜‹

Make sure you ask family and friends to get snap happy.

The day will be a fun-filled and happy blur, so make sure you have some mementoes of your graduation.

Tip: Think about who you would like to get photos with beforehand so that you don’t forget on the day!


11. Celebrate! ๐ŸŽ‰

This is the beginning of the next chapter and plenty awaits – are you ready to dive into the exciting world of graduate jobs?


Enjoy your graduation and good luck!

We have loads of career advice advice for new graduate students on our blog – or check out the latest graduate entry jobs in London and across the UK!

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