Employing a contractor
We’ll help with recruiting contractors.
We take great pride in promoting positivity in the workplace – creating a fun and cooperative working environment that filters through to the way we help candidates find their ideal jobs, and the support we give businesses in helping them grow.

When to hire a contractor?
There are many instances in which hiring a contractor might be the best option.
1. Whether you’re starting a new or one-off project and need some more hands on deck, or if you’re seeking a particular skill in an area of expertise.
2. Contractor hiring is beneficial for any business that has made the very difficult decision to let staff go but is faced with short-term spikes in work. Or, if work is steadily increasing but the confidence isn’t there to warrant taking on people permanently; then recruiting contractors could offer a great solution.
3. We’ve even seen contractors hired to train junior members (who are permanent). This might seem odd, but you’re then only paying the higher costs of experienced individuals on short-term contracts, whilst gaining well-trained junior talent on lower salaries. A cost-effective solution to building up teams.
There are many other benefits of hiring contract employees, read on to find out more.